Last chance to Meet our Experts at Digital Health 2023


Longdom organizes leading international conferences and webinars and is instrumental in bringing together experts and beginners for cooperative and effective research-oriented discussions. The goal of Longdom conferences is to bring together scientists at every level from different disciplines to understand and discuss during programmed topic sessions and informal gatherings. Longdom conferences will showcase innovative, cutting-edge research on the fundamental roles in addressing the challenges and translational research from academia to industry. All these opportunities will support the professional growth of younger scientists that will promote future collaborations and enhance participation and contribution to their exciting research work.

Digital Health 2023

Digital Health and Telemedicine is a discipline that includes digital care programs, technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and to make medicine more personalized and precise. Longdom Conferences welcome all the global participants to the International Conference on Digital Health and Telemedicine, which will be held in London, UK carrying the theme  “Impact of Digital Health on Healthcare System ". The aim is to engage, empower, evolve and explore knowledge among both academicians and industry personnel. This conference will consist of keynote talks, session talks, oral presentations, poster presentations, B2B networking, etc.

Highlighted Sessions:

  • Digital Transformation and Big Data
  • Digital Health Technologies
  • m-Health
  • Telehealth and Telemedicine
  • Telesurgery and Remote practices
  • Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health
  • Clinical Trials & Clinical Research
  • Electronic Health record (EMR)
  • Drug Screening & Drug Discovery
  • e- Health

We are inviting all the global participants to join our Digital Health conference and get a chance to give a talk on any one of the Above-highlighted sessions.

Procedure to attend the conference:

  1. Submit the abstract of your research topic.
  2. Get the acceptance letter
  3. Register for the conference
  4. Get the Invitation letter

Register at :

Relevant Conferences: Digital Health Conferences, Tele Medicine  Conferences, Artificial Intelligence  Conferences, Health  Meetings, Digital Health  symposiums, E-health Conferences, Digital health Workshops