LONGDOM Upcoming Conferences and Best Networking Opportunities in December-2022


About LONGDOM Conferences:

Longdom organizes leading international conferences and webinars and is instrumental in bringing together experts and beginners for cooperative and effective research-oriented discussions. The goal of Longdom conferences is to bring together scientists at every level from different disciplines to understand and discuss during programmed topic sessions and informal gatherings. Longdom conferences will showcase innovative, cutting-edge research on the fundamental roles in addressing the challenges and translational research from academia to industry. All these opportunities will support the professional growth of younger scientists that will promote future collaborations and enhance participation and contribution to their exciting research work.

Exciting oral sessions and poster sessions will reflect the broad diversity of research and will include topics driving innovative efforts and providing a maximal opportunity for scientific exchange respectively. Besides invited speakers, many speaker slots are chosen from submitted abstracts to ensure a good representation of those who are new to the field, young investigators, and recent results. Lively and well-attended poster sessions offer a venue where students and postdoctoral fellows can exchange ideas with each other and with senior scientists.

Our executive roundtable discussions and strategy meeting with one-to-one meetings contribute great insights into shared challenges that delegates face. Contact us and we’ll connect you with the right subject expert from our vast network of experienced operation professionals worldwide.

Why join LONGDOM conferences?

  • Understand the current state of research
  • Meet international colleagues
  • Visit the exhibition of leading-edge technology
  • Engage with editors of the top journals in your field

Scheduled Conferences in December 2022:

Longdom will be organizing International conferences in different research fields of Medical, Engineering, Life Sciences, and Healthcare in the month of December 2022.

Longdom is well known as the best platform for innovative leading international speaker talks and is instrumental in bringing together experts and beginners for friendly and effective research-oriented discussions. The goal of Longdom conferences is to bring together scientists at every level from different disciplines to understand and discuss during programmed topic sessions and informal gatherings. Longdom conferences will showcase innovative, cutting-edge research on the fundamental roles in addressing the challenges and translational research from academia to industry. All these opportunities will support the professional growth of young scientists that will promote future collaborations and will enhance participation and contribution to their exciting research work.

For more information please visit: https://www.longdom.com/

Featured Topics

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List of Conferences for the month of December 2022: